

Convis Township is now hosting "Senior Fitness and Fun" on Wednesdays at 1:00 P.M. at the Township Hall. This program is brought to you by a partnership with Senior Health Partners, and funded through Calhoun County Senior Millage. The events are free and open to all adults aged 60 and over.

See our Forms tab for the "Senior Fitness and Fun" Flyer under "Forms and Information"

Concerned about roads? Download the MICCRD app for your mobile phone and log in tickets for items like potholes and limbs down. Search MICCRD on your smart device.

See our updated Community Calendar for meeting dates and times

Absentee Ballot Application

For all Zoning and Permitting questions
Contact Carl at Permits@Convistownship.org

Tax payments may be made in person, see the Treasure's office hours below. Payments may be sent by mail or placed in the drop box located to the right of the main door at the township hall; your canceled check will be your receipt..»read more

Township Information
Supervisor Ext. 3

Office Hours
3:00p-5:00p Mon

-or- By Appt.

Treasurer Ext. 4
9:00a-5:00p Mon
9:00a-3:00p Wed

Clerk Ext. 1
9:00a-5:00p Mon
9:00a-3:00p Wed

Assessor Ext. 2
9:00a-3:00p Wed


Important Links

We've collected a list of helpful links to other websites that may be of interest to you. If you have a site you think should be added, you can also let us know.

Tax and Assessment Information


https://www.accessmygov.com/?uid=445Tax payments may be made in person on Mondays from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM and Wednesdays from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, except legal holidays.  If you pay by mail or in drop box and require a receipt, please send a self addressed stamped envelope with your payment.

Summer taxes are due September 14th, and Winter taxes are due February 14th; unless the due date falls on the weekend or holiday, then the due date becomes the next business day.

Partial payment of taxes is accepted, although interest and penalty will be applied to any outstanding balance after the due date.

Availability of Deferment
Under MCL 211.51, property taxpayers may defer until February 14th without penalty or interest, the due date of their summer taxes on their principal residence, if their gross household income for the preceding calendar year did not exceed $40,000 and they are:


  • 62 years of age or older, including the unmarried surviving spouse of a person who was 62 years of age or older at the time of death;
  • A paraplegic or quadriplegic;
  • An eligible serviceperson, eligible veteran, or their eligible widow or widower;
  • A blind person; or
  • A totally and permanently disabled person.



Property that is classified or used as agricultural property may qualify if the gross receipts of the agricultural or horticultural operation in the previous year (or the average gross receipts for such operations in the previous three years) are not less than the household income of the owner for the preceding calendar year.

Persons applying for a deferral must certify that they qualify for the deferment on a form available through my office in order to receive the deferral. The form must be completed each year in order to have taxes deferred without penalty in any given year. The form must be filed with my office no later than September 14, 2008 to receive the deferral.



Additional Information

For more information, you can visit BS&A Software's website to register for an account and view your tax bill payments and assessment information online.

19500 15 Mile Road • Marshall, Michigan 49068-9467 • Tel: (269) 789-0654 • Fax: (269) 789-0657